Admin Ninja
The reality is you don’t need to be popular to make money out of music. But as a freelancer, the admin side to a creative career can be overwhelming and difficult to hire people into your team when budgets are small.
I like to think of this service as an admin ghost-writer.
In place of hiring expensive publicists, digital marketers, booking agents & managers - keep your business independent and reporting transparent by hiring me in to:
Outsource your admin heavy tasks
Take over projects when overwhelm hits to help you finish
Provide valuable networks, removing the time it’ll take to collect information on your own
Provide valuable strategies, removing the time it’ll take to study music marketing courses online
I provide micro-project management to help :
Remove the overwhelm of big tasks
Help disable procrastination through out-sourcing
Create community to disable the loneliness of solo freelancing
Keep your project moving forward
I developed this micro business after hearing countless stories of music industry workers failing to complete the project they were hired in to do. We’ve all heard of the missed album opportunity because the publicist missed the deadline. We’ve all been the artist where the agent missed the festival application and cost the artist an opportunity in a strategically placed timeline.
As an independent artist myself, it made me angry. In my naive pursuit to help my friends, I developed an artist services business to try and bridge this gap and found myself exactly like the publicists and agents i’d judged before. Burntout, un-reliable and struggling to keep my own creative project growing.
During the pandemic I realised the industry’s model is simply unsustainable. No-one is as invested in an artists career as they are of themselves. And the really excellent operators are over-worked ad underpaid. During the covid years I booked countless national tours that were cancelled after the work had been done, for no return. The music industry is the only industry that pays it’s workers a percentage of profits at the end of a project, and it doesn’t serve independent artists to grow.
Indie’s don’t have the cash-flow to be hiring in in the big guns. If you can afford a great publicist or agents fees and have them on your team, this service is not for you. But for the one’s growing towards that financial sustainability, this service may be just the thing to help you grow with the budgets you do have.
It’s built around my own cycle. I have a creative brain just like all of you. It works in small hyper-focused sprints and is really useful for getting shit done. Over the years I've dabbled in every area of the industry, and while i’m completely useless as a full-time industry person, I have developed a complete understanding of how each process works, developed excellent networks over the years and can get shit done quicker than you.
It’s a win win for overwhelm.
Hire me in to ghost-write your emails, hyper charge your spreadsheet output and do all those annoying small admin tasks that have been on your to-do list for far too long.
When your cycle is on the low end of productivity, outsource it to me while i’m on the energy high of my cycle and keep your project moving forward, while you retain full control.
What exactly is A ghost-writer ?
Publicity : I send emails from your own account , pitching for radio play & radio interviews
Bookings : I send emails from your own account , pitching for bookings
This allows you to keep track on the emails being sent (time-stamped for transparency by your email provider) and manage the follow up on your own. You can also hire us to come back in towards the end of the project and tie up any loose ends if budgets allow.
reporting ?
I work with you to develop spreadsheets to help manage your projects.
This incudes radio servicing, tour routing, venue pitching, tour budgets, social media scheduling & other project management.
I use google drive to give you access to data being organised for your project. Watch changes in real-time and experience full transparency of your project being actioned.
how is this different to other admin services ?
I work with very few clients. It’s designed as a quick money injection into my own art. My availability is super limited to make sure i’m only working when I can hyper-focus. This means you are never strung along, and your project gets actioned immediately.
It’s designed to work into your release cycle at critical moments so you aren’t left hanging and your deadlines are met.
$300 Package IncludeS
1 x 60 Minute Zoom Session
We will discuss the project and break it down into smaller tasks to achieve in a 3 hour window.
Setup the relevant spreadsheet for tracking your project.
Import our relevant networks to a shared spreadsheet where required.
Grant access to the relevant accounts (email, Facebook ads account etc.).
3 x 60 Minute Billable Hours
Action the plan discussed in the zoom session.
Services Available
Business Planning & Strategy
Publicity :
Radio Servicing
Media Releases
Tour Publicity
AMRAP’S Air It Listing
Bookings : Venue Pitching & Negotiation
Distribution : Spotify, Apple Music etc. Includes Spotify playlist pitching via Spotify Artists
Tour Routing & Planning
Tour Budgeting
Grant Writing
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Content Scheduling
Facebook Advertising
Facebook Events
Event Listings (Bandsintown, Songkick etc.)
Ticketing For Events
Graphic Design :
Poster Printing via Officeworks and delivery to venue
Social Media Banners
Event Content
Tour Management :
Worksheets, Travel
APRA Live Performance Reporting